Little Hands OT was established in 2015 with the intention of providing services to children with high and complex needs children.
The vision was that Little Hands OT will provide services to children with special needs to enable them to experience the wonders in their surroundings and allow them to participate in and influence their environment. The aim is to empower parents to become confident supporters of their child’s development and advocate on their behalf to achieve the best possible result in all areas of their lives.
Since 2015 many things have changed but the vision remained the same and services are provided in
a variety of ways all aimed at supporting the children in every way possible, while being accessible to everyone.
Started clinic as in-home service, with no fixed address and provided outreach only
Established premises in Melba and hired administration support
Trained Marja as a Therapy Assistant Dog to support the Occupational Therapists in their work with clients
Started hosting group therapy interventions, some in collaboration with physiotherapy and speech pathology providers
Moved to our new premises in Holt
Commenced offering Therapy Assistant support
Grew our clinic staff by hiring an additional Occupational Therapist and Therapy Assistant to enable us to support more clients
Introduced more group therapy interventions, as well as a parent education group
Commenced offering training courses to educators
Extended our service provision to online therapy sessions for clients in rural areas or overseas
Watch this space – we have loads of exciting new things in the works that we can’t wait to implement.